Dr. Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris
Senior Editor
Dr. Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris is Full Professor on Commercial law, Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights (UVEG) since 2007.
Teaching Commercial law since 1987 and Competition Law and IPRs since 1995 at degree, master and doctorate levels. He has managed several international projects from the EU Commission Training of National Judges on EU Competition Law program. He has been director of several Thesis on different subjects in Competition Law. He is author of three personal books on competition law subjects – franchise regulation, group privilege and holding imputation -, has edited ten collective books on different competition matters, and more than fifty articles and book chapters. He is a frequent speaker on Competition Law subjects and organize several events per year on these subjects – please see the web www.derechoderedes.es -. Last examples: Jornada Semipresencial: «Daños y Competencia. Revisión de cuestiones candentes, https://www.derechoderedes.es/wp-content/uploads/Programa.pdf (18.12.2020) or the conference Derecho de la competencia, precios excesivos y coronavirus (24.04.2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS6icM33m6o , some others may be seen at https://www.derechoderedes.es/autores/juan-ignacio/. He is also editor of the present judicial competition law web page www.judicialcompetitiontraining.eu

Dr.Carmen Rodilla Martí
Junior Editor
Dr. Carmen Rodilla is assistant Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valencia. She has been awarded several research fellowships that have enabled her to conduct her research in several European Universities and Research Institutes, among others, at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Max-Plank-Institut of Innovation and competition.
Author of two monographic works on competition law and numerous articles in the field, she currently teaches at both Graduate and Postgraduate level at the Law Faculty of the Universitat de València and is speaker at conferences and lectures in several Courses, Masters Programmes in Spanish and foreign Universities.
Her research activity allowed her to participate numerous research projects and programmes such as the Training of National Judges on EU Competition Law.
Regular contributors

Mrs. Mercedes Pedraz Calvo
Mrs. Mercedes Pedraz Calvo is member of the Administrative proceedings Divison of the National High Court. She graduated in EEC Law at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium). Justice Pedraz became judge in 1987 and since 1992 works at the Spanish National High Court in Madrid, dealing with competition cases and other economic law matters.
She lectures on competition and European law in several Spanish Universities (Universidad Carlos III, Universidad Menéndez Pelayo, ICADE, Universidad San Pablo CEU) and has given lectures at the Spanish National Competition Authority and other Administrative bodies. Justice Pedraz has also been speaker in the Training of National Judges on EU Competition Law Programme.
She has participated in academic and training programs of the Judiciary in different Latin American and European countries such as Mexico, El Salvador, Bolivia and Slovakia. She is the author of several books and articles on competition law

Mrs. Purificación Martorell Zulueta
Mrs. Purificación Martorell Zulueta, is member of the 9th Section of the de Court of Appeal of Valencia (section focused on Commercial Law with jurisdiction over cases concerning private enforcement of competition law). Besides, she is member of the Real Academia Valenciana de Legislación y Jurisprudencia.
In her role as justice of the 9th Section, she has been the rapporteur of numerous rulings concerning private enforcement in proceedings belonging to the truck cartel case, since the 5th December and 2019.
She has also participated as speaker in plenty of Competition Law trainings since 2004, among them, those organised in the framework of the Training for National Judges on EU Competition Law.
Justice Martorell has taken part in several collective books in the field, specially focusing on the quantification of damages, the standard of proof or disclosure of evidence and Access to the files.

Dr. Diana Ungureanu
Dr. Diana Ungureanu is a Romanian judge, working at Court of Appeal of Pitesti.
She was the deputy director of the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania for 3 years, a full time trainer for judges for 5 years and a part time trainer for all her career, on topics such as competition law, commercial and insolvency law.
She has 20 years of experience in the judiciary and more than 15 years experience at national and international level in the field of judicial training. As an expert on competition law, cross-border insolvency and international trade law she cooperated with almost all the main training providers in Europe: EJTN, ERA, EUI, national judicial academies, NGOs etc. and she had also 12 years of academic career. She is the author of various articles and books in the field of EU competition law.
She was expert in more than 50 international projects, she drafted policy, strategic and legislative documents in the field of judicial training and she was involved in peer review and evaluation missions.
She worked for the European Commission as seconded national expert and she is an expert in the Expert Group of the European Commission on European judicial training.

Dr. Enrique Sanjuán y Muñoz
Dr. Enrique Sanjuán y Muñoz (Senior Judge of the Court of Appeals of Malaga, 6th
Section), is a magistrate specialised in matters pertaining to the Commercial Courts by
the CGPJ in the first promotion and associate professor of Commercial Law at the
University of Malaga.
He holds a Doctorate in Law (PhD) with an extraordinary prize for
his study on Company Restructuring and insolvency protection. He holds a University
degree in Law from the University of Granada, a University degree in Business
Administration and Management from the Nebrija University (Madrid) and a
University degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Ávila. He also holds a
Master’s Degree in Applied Economics from the UNED and a Master’s Degree in
Financial Engineering (financial analyst) from the same university.
In relation to antitrust cases, he has been developing work in recent years that has led him to participate in the judicial training carried out by the European Academy (ERA) in Lisbon
(Portugal) and in Melbourne (Australia); the latter organised by Global Antitrust
International, University of Melbourne and George Mason University of USA. He is also
a contributor to the prestigious journal Oxford Competition Law and is an NGA in the
ICN (International Competition Network) since 2019.
He has conducted several courses on antitrust at the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary and is the author of several works on the subject. He has also been awarded twice (2019 and 2020) by the prestigious journal Concurrences for his work on the subject (Infractions of competition as externalities and the principle of relative responsibility for harm in the EU Directive 2014/104).

Dr. David Ordóñez-Solís
David Ordóñez-Solís is a Spanish senior judge, doctor of Laws and LL.M. Université
Libre de Bruxelles (Institut d’études européennes). He is a member of the European
Commission’s Team Europe and belongs to the Judicial Spanish Network on European
Law (from 2006) and to the Ibero-American Judicial Commission on Ethics (from 2014).
Dr. Ordóñez-Solís has been Associate Professor of European Law and has developed
a relevant teaching activity in official institutions and universities, giving lectures and
directing courses in Spain, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. His experience as a
director and as a teacher on legal and judicial learning, traditional and online, has been
focused on European Public Law.
Regarding EU Competition Law, Judge Ordóñez-Solís has directed the Barcelona
Competition Seminars, organised in 2012 (Private Enforcement of European
Competition Law), 2013 (The Enforcement Of The European Competition Rules By
National Judges), 2014 (Fines And Crimes Before Judges In The European
Competition Law) and 2017 (EU State Aid Rules And National Judges) by the Spanish
Judicial School for the European Judiciary Training Network (EJTN) and supported by
the European Commission.
Dr. Ordóñez-Solís has written more than 15 books and more than 200 articles
published by the best Spanish and European legal reviews, many of them on EU
Competition Law. Judge Ordóñez-Solís has been awarded many scholarships and
prizes on legal research, notably on European internal market, competition, whistle-
blowers, etc. He is a member of the Association of European

Mr. Vivien Terrien
Referendaire at the European Court of Justice
Vivien Terrien is a legal clerk (référendaire) at the Court of Justice of the European Union
and was part of the EU General Court President’s chamber for ten years. He also acts as
International Competition Network (ICN) representative for the Competition Council of
Luxembourg since 2019 and is an Honorary Member of the European Lawyers’ Union.
Before joining the Court in 2009, Vivien practiced as an attorney in the antitrust teams of
Linklaters in Paris and, then, of WilmerHale in Brussels. He qualified as a Paris and New
York attorney-at-law after studying at Ottawa University (Canada) and graduating from the
Universities of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and Nantes (France), the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and Harvard Law School (Cambridge, USA).
Vivien is academically involved as a lecturer in EU internal market and competition law at the Paris II Panthéon-Assas University, the Lorraine University, the Catholic University of Paris and the University of Pau and the Adour Region. In addition, he regularly intervenes as a speaker on EU antitrust matters in international fora and before various national authorities. Moreover, he has organized and participated in several trainings and workshops for national judges, among them, those held in the framework of the Training for National Judges in EU Competition Law at the OECD-GVH Regional Centre for Competition in Budapest (Hungary).
Vivien has published many articles on EU litigation, antitrust and institutional law topics and, most recently, he co-authored the reference book “European Court Procedure – A Practical Guide” (Hart Publishing, 2020).
The format of the contribution is open and can be judgments or documents of relevance.
All contributions must contain an abstract in English and be no longer than 4 pages. Contributions will be peer-reviewed according to the usual rules.
You can also submit your contribution on an ad hoc basis.
Contributions shall deal with practical problems linked to the enforcement of European competition lawby national courts. It is possible to focus on leading decisions or analyse the judicial doctrine in your country