What is happened with competition damages claims in Europe? (JIRP)

On 1st September 2021, Concurrences Review published the 5th edition of the Study “Cartel damages actions in Europe – How courts have assessed cartel overcharges” by Jean François Laborde.

This study covers the EU 27, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. It was completed with the help of 113 lawyers, law professors and economists, 56 national judges and 26 competition authorities. The Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ) and the European Commission have also expressed interest in this research and provided encouragement.

The study is available onhttps://www.laborde-advisory.com/PDF/Cartel%20damages%20actions%20in%20Europe%20-%20How%20courts%20have%20assessed%20cartel%20overcharges%20(2021%20edition).pdf

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