11 October, 2021

THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC UNITY IN INFRINGEMENT OF COMPETITION. Commentary to the CJEU of 6 October 2021 (Sumal, Case C-882/19).Enrique Sanjuán y Muñoz.Senior Judge Spain Competition and Commercial issues.Part time Professor of de University of Málaga. UMA.Professor-Tutor of Microeconomics .Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

1. Introduction. 2. The concept of the undertaking as an autonomous European concept: the theory of the economic unit. 3. The unsanctioned subsidiary and the requirements […]
6 September, 2021

A note on the judicial estimation of the damage in actions for infringement of the rules of Competition Law when the quantification by experts attempted by the injured parties fails, by Purificación Martorell Zulueta, Magistrada de la Sección 9ª de la Audiencia Provincial de Valencia.

ABSTRACT One of the main problems faced by national courts when ruling on damages actions for infringement of European competition rules is the quantification of damages.The […]
11 October, 2021

THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC UNITY IN INFRINGEMENT OF COMPETITION. Commentary to the CJEU of 6 October 2021 (Sumal, Case C-882/19).Enrique Sanjuán y Muñoz.Senior Judge Spain Competition and Commercial issues.Part time Professor of de University of Málaga. UMA.Professor-Tutor of Microeconomics .Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

1. Introduction. 2. The concept of the undertaking as an autonomous European concept: the theory of the economic unit. 3. The unsanctioned subsidiary and the requirements […]
6 September, 2021

A note on the judicial estimation of the damage in actions for infringement of the rules of Competition Law when the quantification by experts attempted by the injured parties fails, by Purificación Martorell Zulueta, Magistrada de la Sección 9ª de la Audiencia Provincial de Valencia.

ABSTRACT One of the main problems faced by national courts when ruling on damages actions for infringement of European competition rules is the quantification of damages.The […]
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